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Science, Media and SocietyEcole Normale Supérieure Lettres et Sciences Humaines 15-17 June 2004, Lyon Research on the social dissemination of knowledge or on media discussions concerning science has undergone transformation in the last thirty years. It is time to take cognizance of the fact that approaches to popularising science, focusing on the "third man", or the transfer of scientific knowledge towards a profane sphere, do no account for the complexity of implemented processes. Indeed, these processes have been taking place with time, within historical contexts as well as institutional, material and symbolic systems ; they call for a certain type of connection to various publics, as well as interfere with public policies and structured domains. This conference will enable researchers to compare their work on the social dissemination of knowledge or on media discussions concerning science, and will look at the history of the process for the dissemination of science and technology, the study of science publics, the analysis of public policies, research on the media and institutions linked to knowledge (i.e. museums, libraries and the educational sector among others), studies of interactions between scientific research and the field of communication. The conference will aim to account for the topicality of the questioning process, the methods and results, and furthermore to contribute to the activity of a field that has always been difficult to structure in France (the STS field), and this despite the progress made thanks to a community that has been very active for more than thirty years. Our objectives are scientific at first. However, we are also concerned by the social role of these studies interfering with the decision process as regards science-society relations : How are they perceived by the actors and politicians responsible for this type of cultural policy ? Do they modify their understanding of the issues ? Clearly, the STS community cannot overlook the political dimension of the challenges and potential repercussions of its research. Presentations, comparisons and discussions will evolve around three cross axes :
This conference is within a very active context of scientific events and organisation of research programmes along the themes of knowledge and their communication in society. At the end of a research project conducted by the team of Action Concertée on Science, Media and Society that was initiated in 2000 and that is to continue its activities until 2006, we wish to compare our results with those of current research in various disciplines of the human and social sciences : Information and Communication Sciences, History and Sociology of Science, Anthropology, Language Sciences, Educational Sciences, etc. The conference will take place over three days with key and selected papers as well as a round table between researchers and professionals dealing with scientific dissemination. INSTRUCTIONS FOR ABSTRACTS : Please send your paper and abstract of 2000 characters maximum (spaces included) on or before the 1st of March 2004, as Email attachments (RTF format) to the following address : sciences-medias@ens-lsh.fr We will require from you two additional documents to be sent in attachment : The title of the first attached document will bear your name and first name. The content of the first attachment will contain your name, first name, your postal address, your Email address, your affiliation with or the name of your institution as well as the title of your abstract. The second attachment, anonymous, will bear the title of your paper and will include the title of your abstract and the abstract itself. Participants submitting a paper will be notified by Email of the decision of the Scientific Committee between the 15th and 30th of March 2004. Papers will be selected by the Scientific Committee of the Conference on Science, Media and Society, co-ordinated by : Joëlle Le Marec (JE « Communication, Culture and Society », ENS LSH) Igor Babou (JE « Communication, Culture et Society », ENS LSH) ORGANISING COMMITTEE : Joëlle Le Marec (JE « Communication, Culture et Society », ENS LSH), Igor Babou (JE « Communication, Culture et Society », ENS LSH), Christiane Kapitz (JE « Communication, Culture et Society », ENS LSH), Pierre Mounier (JE « Communication, Culture et Society », ENS LSH), Affifa Zenati (ENS LSH), Laurent Delacroix (ENS LSH) SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE : Babou, Igor (ENS LSH) Blondel, Christine (CNRS/CRHST) Castagna, Bernard (Université François-Rabelais, Tours) Cheveigné, Suzanne (de) (CNRS) Clément, Pierre (Université Lyon 1) Compte, Carmen (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) Eidelman, Jacqueline (CNRS) Jacobi, Daniel (Université d’Avignon) Jeanneret, Yves (Université Paris IV - CELSA) Jurdant, Baudouin (Université Paris VII) Le Marec, Joëlle (ENS LSH) Löwy, Ilana (CERMES, INSERM/CNRS/EHESS) Miller, Steve (University College London) Schiele, Bernard (UQAM, Montréal) Tiberghien, Andrée (ENS LSH) Verhaegen, Philippe (UCL, Louvain)